Ether 11:19-23

Brant Gardner

Once again, we have a royal lineage living, and producing children, while in captivity. Ether is the last of the line, and the one who compiled the source record which Mosiah translated, and Moroni told.

It is easiest to see these verses as Moroni’s summary. While the prediction of the destruction of the people is a common theme, the addition that there would come a different people to possess the land would be known to Moroni, and would perhaps be of little interest to the people receiving the prophets. Since they, the people, didn’t believe the prophets that their own people would be destroyed, thinking that another people would come, it would not have been any more convincing. It was, however, fulfilled prophecy. Moroni clearly saw how that part of history fit into his own.

This is the end of a chapter in the 1830 edition.

Book of Mormon Minute
