“For Because of My Spirit He Shall Know”

Brant Gardner

After the clarification of the cursing that will come to those who do not accept the Lord’s words, he gives the blessing that will surely come to those who do accept them. To the believer, “him will I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit.”

The problem of mankind facing the fact of the Book of Mormon has always been whether to accept it as the word of God or the word of man. The Lord understands that problem, and he tells us the way to know the difference. He does not say that we will know the truth of it because of the wonderful archaeological evidence that will be amassed to support it. He does not say that we will know it is true because commentaries such as this one will attempt to show how the text fits into a known place and time. He does not say that we shall know that it is true for any reason that comes from men, but rather :because of my Spirit he shall know that these things are ture; for it persuadeth men to do good.”

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
