Transfigured & Translated

K. Douglas Bassett
(Mosiah 13:5; Acts 6:15; D&C 67:11-12; Moses 1:2,5, 11, 15, 31; 6:36; Conference Report, Apr., 1964, pp. 94-95; Doctrines of Salvation, Smith, 2:300- 301; Answers to Gospel Questions, Smith, 1:163-165; 2:46; History of the Church, Smith, 4:210; Journal of Discourses 2:245)
“The difference, then, between transfiguration and translation is that transfiguration is more temporary. The Three Nephites were transfigured for a time so that they could view the visions of eternity. They were also translated, which condition is of a longer duration, until the Judgment Day.” (Book of Mormon 121-122 Student Manual, p. 127)
“All translated beings [eventually] receive what amounts to an instantaneous death and resurrection. Those who were translated before the resurrection of our Lord ‘were with Christ in his resurrection’ (D&C 133:55). Those who have been translated since the resurrection of Christ shall continue to live as mortals until the Second Coming when they shall receive their immortal glory.” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 807-808)
“We are telestial mortals, translated beings are terrestial mortals, while exalted resurrected beings are celestial immortals.” (Richard Cowan, Alma, The Testimony of the Word, ed. by Nyman and Tate, pp. 201-202)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
