Why is the Lord so concerned about little children?

Thomas R. Valletta

“We cannot know exactly what the Savior was feeling in such a poignant moment, but we do know that He was ‘troubled’ and that He ‘groaned within himself’ over the destructive influences always swirling around the innocent. We know He felt a great need to pray for and bless the children.

“In such times as we are in, … I too pray for the children. Some days it seems that a sea of temptation and transgression inundates them, simply washes over them before they can successfully withstand it, before they should have to face it … .

“Well, some of [these things] may be beyond our control, but I testify with faith in the living God that they are not beyond His” (Holland, “Prayer for the Children,” 85.

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
