Mosiah 29:42 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and it came to pass that Alma was appointed to be the chief judge he being also the high priest his father having [confering >% confered 1|conferred ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] the office upon him

Here scribe 2 of 𝓟 initially wrote the past participle conferred as a present participle, conferring (his spelling has only a single r). He immediately erased the incorrect -ing ending and overwrote it with the correct -ed ending. This error was undoubtedly influenced by the immediately preceding having. For similar examples of this kind of error, see the discussion under Mosiah 12:2.

Summary: Maintain in Mosiah 29:42 the past participial form conferred, the immediately corrected reading in 𝓟.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 3
