“We Did Have Continual Peace in the Land for the Space of Twenty and Two Years”

Bryan Richards

In the first 22 years of Zeniff’s reign, it appears that he had only one battle with the Nephites (Mosiah 9:17). His tone in chapters 9 and 10 is guarded because he sees the future of his people—that they are likely to suffer many more battles because of the hatred of the Lamanites. In retrospect, Zeniff is not a bad protector and leader. He succeeded in his life ambition to inhabit the land of his fathers. His people lived in peace for most of his reign. He was a successful military leader and moral compass for his people. Most importantly, he understood that in order to win battles, the people had to call upon the Lord to deliver them from their enemies. The unfortunate legacy of Zeniff’s life is that he leaves his people in a precarious position—surrounded by Lamanites. Worse than this, he confers the kingdom on his wicked son, Noah. The combination of these two factors spells doom for his people.

